Personal Safety Seminars

Personal Safety Seminars

Why do we need Personal Safety Seminars?

  • Everyone should consider prevention tactics to help themselves, family, friends and colleagues to stay safer
  • Seminars will inform attendees of aspects to consider and show them how to potentially  reduce the chances of being a victim of crime
  • Explore possible measures attendees can take for their own personal safety
  • Feedback from employees stating they did not feel safe going to and from work
  • Feedback from employers stating they wanted to enhance the duty of care to their employees by offering personal safety advice

Who delivers the Personal Safety Seminars?

MMJH Ltd. employ only former New Scotland Yard detectives to deliver their seminars, online and face to face.  This professional team of presenters are from a wide range of policing experience, including safeguarding, crime prevention and  serious sexual assault investigations.

Having such a rich wealth of experience allows each seminar to be delivered in line with the needs of the audience and can be adapted accordingly.

How are the Seminars delivered?

The Personal Safety Seminars can be delivered either via a live online link or in a face-to-face session.  

Online - This provides an overview of Personal Safety Awareness and last an hour.

Face to face - This is a 3hr interactive Seminar, outlining simple safety steps.  The presentations follow 'A day in the life of...' providing scenarios from the early morning run, commuting, lone working, socialising at night and your journey home.  This is followed by the opportunity to have a Q&A session.

In both types of seminars, intervention tactics will be discussed, where the presenter will share their real life experiences with the audience.

Want to know more?

If you would like to know more about the Personal Safety Seminars please click on the link below and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements.

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